Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Focus and scope of SPIRIT : STMIK Yadika Journal of Computing and Cybernetic System

  • Artificial Intellegent
  • AR VR 
  • Mobile programming
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Internet of Thinks (IoT)
  • Remote Sensing
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Computer Network and Architecture
  • Network Security
  • Embedded system and aplications
  • Computer Vision
  • Soft Computing
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Wireless Sensor Network


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process


Every script that goes assessed by the following rules:

  • The authenticity of its contribution to the field of scientific publishing, methodological and theoretical reliability is taken in accordance with topics, coherence analysis, grammar and writing in accordance with existing rules.
  • Each manuscript submitted by the author, will do peer review
  • Total reviews two (2) people, if the assessment result of imbalanced, it will be submitted to an additional reviewer
  • A maximum limit is 2 weeks reviewer
  • The principle of recruitment of reviewers has at least written scientific journals as the first author, or a member of the author on three pages of articles, both publications of accredited national-scale scientific journals and international-scale scientific journal publications.
  • Any incoming paper will be checked by the section editor, if it does not match the scope of the Register, it will be returned for rejection, so if there are things that do not match the regularized style Register, then the paper will be returned to the author, if it is appropriate With a regularized style Register, it will be assigned to reviewers.
  • The process of reviewing a paper using a double blind method involving two reviewers who have been selected by a section editor, if between reviewers there are conflicting decisions, it will be additional reviewers to decide whether the article is accepted or rejected.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Benefits of open access for the author, include:

  • Free access for all users worldwide
  • Authors retain copyright to their work
  • Increased visibility and readership
  • Rapid publication
  • No spatial constraints



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SPIRIT: Sarana Penunjang Informasi Terkini submits its content to the Republic of Indonesia's national library database, onesearch, Garuda (Garba Referral Digital), and several journal indexing institutions, so that data availability is guaranteed and accessible.